What are the best supplements for a healthy immune system?

 There are two types of immunity that are broadly known as innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Innate is born with or natural, it's a type of general protection. Adaptive or otherwise an active immunity develops throughout our lives.

We can give a thought to herbal food supplements made of plant extracts that are rich in herbal active ingredients. Immunity-promoting herbs such as Tinospora cordifolia, Withania somniferae, Commiphora wightii, Glycyrrhiza glabra, and 12 more herbs with added Vitamins and minerals come together to form the perfect blend in boosting immunity.

These are the herbs that improve your inner defense and act as a natural “immunostimulant”. They will help in protecting from bacterial and viral infections. These herbs are useful for autoimmune disorders and are a rich source of potential antioxidants.

Instead of finding out each and every herbal ingredient, advised trying the best herbal food that contains numerous and conventional herbal supplements. Stone Age Super Foods typically following the progressive formula by having international quality standards. All the products are based on high-quality herbal extracts, so best in efficacy by nature and safe to consume with no fear of side effects & also it is toxic-free.

HERBOSHIELD and other Herbal supplements from Stone Age Foods have perfectly formulated with great care to boost the immune system Naturally.


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